फारम भर्न आफ्नो भाषा छान्नुहोस् / Choose your language to fill up the form
श्री अध्यक्ष ज्यू,
ब्रम्हायणी हाईड्रोपावर कम्पनि प्रा.लि.
बुद्धनगर काठमाडौं ।
विषयः संस्थापक शेयर खरिदका लगि आवेदन गरिएको बारे ।
उपरोक्त विषयमा मलाई / हामीलाई ब्रम्हायणी हाईड्रोपावर कम्पनि प्रा.लि. को संस्थापक शेयर खरिद गर्ने इच्छा भएकोले संचालक समितिले गरेको निर्णय मान्य हुुने गरि यो आवेदन पेश गरेको छु ।
Brahmayani Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd.
Buddhanagar, Kathmandu
Subject: Request for purchasing Promoter Share
Dear Sir,
In the above subject matter, I/we would like to purchase the Promoter shares of your reputed company, I/we request for the purchase of the shares as per the rules of the company. In this regard, I/we would like to inform you that the final decision of the company will be accepted.